PayPal-Only Section
(for when you’ve already filled out the form and submitted it)
Fill out the form below, select the type of service to be done and pay using Paypal’s interface. The $75 travel fee is only payable at time of booking. Should you cancel, travel fee is non-refundable. The calibration service fees are payable upon completion of service.
Pricing Information
Pricing is based on the type of viewing device and the level of service requested.
- $275 for a direct view HD capable tube, inputs as required (DVD and High Definition).
- $400 for digital displays including LCD, LED, OLED, and Plasmas, up to three inputs. See services for listings.
- HDR: Add $75 for HDR-10, DV, HLG when calibrated at the same time.
- $275 for second and subsequent annual calibrations including HDR if done at time of initial calibration. Pricing for panels or projectors with a MSRP < $12,000.
- $450 package price for front projection displays. MSRP < $12,000.
- $600 package price for front projector displays MSRP > $12,000.
- $140 hourly rate for all additional services including advanced geometry work, convergence work, advanced troubleshooting, and anamorphic lense manipulation.
- $75 hourly rate travel time based on round trip travel, usually no travel fee for travel within New England. Travel fees vary by professional and location.
- Please email for specific pricing quotes.