Dan Miller
New Jersey
An industry veteran, Dan has been involved in the Home Entertainment business since January 20, 1972 where he met Saul Marantz at the world premier of the Dahlquist DQ-10 loudspeaker, at Opus One in Pittsburgh. An early disciple of accuracy in reproduced audio as well as a movie buff, Dan became quickly enamored of large screen display devices when Opus One became one of the first dealers for the Advent Videobeam. Soon discovering that proper setup could make all of the difference in how good the picture looked, Dan became an expert on these venerable devices.
Henry Kloss left Advent and founded Kloss Video, and during a training seminar in the mid ‘80s, Dan met Joe Kane, who was working with SMPTE (which Dan joined soon after) and was developing a LaserDisc to help both consumers and technicians get the most from their televisions. Through Joe, Dan learned a tremendous amount about extracting the most accurate picture available. It was during this period that Dan started doing calibrations on various display devices, most of which were CRT based front and rear projection sets.
In 1990 Dan purchased a Philips PM5639 Color Analyzer and started to calibrate to a traceable standard. He also joined Sony Electronics that year and in his role as a National Trainer, learned to communicate through public speaking forums to spread the word about accuracy in video. During the ‘90s, Dan acquired much more test gear and now owns a PhotoResearch PR-650 Spectroradiometer, several tristimulus colorimeters, and signal generation equipment from Leader, Philips and Sencore. In 1997, Dan joined Marantz America as their trainer and quickly became involved in product development for video products. Dan’s first “product” was a 4:3 SD RPTV built for Marantz by Philips. This was the first commercially available set that had a whitepoint of D65, the peak white level set to below visible blooming and electronic clipping, and no picture “enhancing” circuits such as auto color or SVM. The set received rave reviews from the newer breed of critics and set the stage for the viability of accuracy in the video marketplace. Currently Dan is heavily involved with DLP front projection development and was responsible for many of the features and technologies of Marantz’ award winning VP-12 series of HD projectors. Dan continues to do calibrations for LionAV allowing him to both stay in touch with the high performance customer base and feed his passion, which has always been about making the most accurate and high performance image possible.
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